How to Apply for the Herbert Levy Memorial Scholarship - STEM Scholarship for Women

How to Apply for the Herbert Levy Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

Are you a woman who loves physics and wants to pursue a degree and a career in this exciting field? If so, you might be interested in applying for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women, a generous award that can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

The Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is a scholarship program that was established by Margaret Sussman Levy in memory of her late husband, Dr. Herbert Levy, a renowned physicist and educator. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage the study of physics and the pursuit of high scholarship among women who are passionate about this discipline.

The Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is a $2,500 scholarship that is awarded annually to one undergraduate student who meets the eligibility and application criteria. The scholarship can be used to cover tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses related to physics studies.

In this blog post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women, including its objectives, eligibility, requirements, benefits, available courses, deadline, application process, and contact details. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this scholarship and provide you with some tips and resources to help you prepare a successful application.

If you are ready to learn more about this amazing opportunity and how to apply for it, read on!

Objectives of the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

The Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women has two main objectives:

  • To support women who are pursuing physics education and careers, and to increase their representation and participation in this field.
  • To honor the legacy and contributions of Dr. Herbert Levy, who was a distinguished physicist and professor at the University of Maryland, and who dedicated his life to advancing physics research and education.

By awarding this scholarship, the Society of Physics Students (SPS), which administers the program, hopes to inspire and empower women who are passionate about physics and who aspire to follow in the footsteps of Dr. Herbert Levy and other physics pioneers.

Eligibility and Requirements for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

To be eligible for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a woman who identifies as female.
  • You must be an undergraduate student who is majoring in physics or a related field.
  • You must be a member of the SPS national organization. You can join SPS online here.
  • You must demonstrate financial need through a written statement.
  • You must have a high academic performance both in physics and overall studies, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • You must show potential and intention for continued scholastic development in physics, and for pursuing a physics career or further education.
  • You must be active in SPS programs and activities, such as chapters, events, outreach, research, etc.
  • You must not expect to complete your bachelor’s degree in physics in the spring or summer following the March deadline. In other words, you must have at least one more year of undergraduate studies left after applying for the scholarship.

Benefits of the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

The Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women offers several benefits to the recipient, such as:

  • A monetary award of $2,500 that can be used to pay for tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses related to physics studies.
  • Recognition and prestige as a recipient of a highly competitive and selective scholarship that honors the memory and achievements of Dr. Herbert Levy.
  • Networking and mentoring opportunities with other SPS members, alumni, faculty, and professionals who share your passion and interest in physics.
  • Access to SPS resources and support, such as publications, awards, internships, career guidance, etc.
  • A boost to your resume and academic profile, which can help you stand out in future applications for scholarships, grants, fellowships, graduate schools, jobs, etc.

Available Courses for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

The Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is intended to support women who are pursuing physics education and careers. Therefore, the scholarship can be used to fund any physics or related courses that are part of your undergraduate degree program.

Some examples of physics or related courses that you can take with the scholarship are:

  • Classical Mechanics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Relativity
  • Optics
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Biophysics and Medical Physics
  • Computational Physics
  • Experimental Physics
  • Physics Education Research
  • Physics History and Philosophy

Of course, these are not the only courses that you can take with the scholarship. You can choose any courses that match your interests and goals, as long as they are relevant to physics and approved by your department and institution.

Deadline and Application Process for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

The deadline to apply for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is March 15 every year. If this date falls on a weekend, the application is due the following Monday.

The application process for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is online and consists of several steps:

  • Fill out the general information form on the SPS website here.
  • Upload an official, current transcript from your college or university. The transcript must be sent directly to the SPS Scholarship Program by your institution. The transcript must be postmarked by the application deadline and mailed to:

SPS Scholarship Program 1 Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740

  • Provide an outline of the physics and related courses that you have taken and plan to take as part of your degree program.
  • Write a statement of your career objectives, explaining why you are interested in physics and what you plan to do after graduating from college.
  • Write a statement of your participation in SPS activities, describing how you have been involved in SPS programs and events, and how they have benefited you.
  • Write a statement of financial need, explaining why you need the scholarship and how it will help you achieve your academic and professional goals. The statement should not exceed one page.
  • Obtain a certification from your department chair that you are in good standing with the department and making satisfactory progress toward your degree.
  • Request two letters of recommendation from faculty members who are familiar with you and your qualifications. The recommenders should comment on your academic performance, potential, and participation in SPS programs. The letters should be submitted online through the SPS website.

All the pieces of the application must be completed and submitted by the deadline in order to be considered for the scholarship. The SPS Scholarship Committee will review the applications and select the recipient based on the criteria mentioned above. The recipient will be notified by email and announced on the SPS website in May.

Contact Details for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

If you have any questions or concerns about the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women, you can contact the SPS Scholarship Program by email at or by phone at (301) 209-3007.

You can also visit the SPS website here for more information and updates about the scholarship and other SPS programs and opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

Here are some of the most common questions that applicants and potential applicants have about the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women, along with their answers:

Q: Who was Dr. Herbert Levy and why is the scholarship named after him?

A: Dr. Herbert Levy was a distinguished physicist and professor at the University of Maryland, who made significant contributions to the fields of atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, and laser spectroscopy. He was also a dedicated educator and mentor, who inspired and supported many students and colleagues in their physics endeavors. The scholarship is named after him to honor his legacy and achievements, and to encourage women who share his passion and interest in physics.

Q: How many scholarships are awarded each year and how competitive is the selection process?

A: Only one scholarship is awarded each year to one undergraduate student who meets the eligibility and application criteria. The selection process is very competitive, as the SPS Scholarship Committee receives many applications from qualified and deserving candidates. The recipient is chosen based on their academic performance, potential, participation, and financial need.

Q: How can I join the SPS national organization and what are the benefits of being a member?

A: You can join the SPS national organization online here by filling out a membership form and paying a $25 annual fee. As a member, you will enjoy many benefits, such as access to publications, awards, internships, career guidance, and other resources and opportunities related to physics. You will also be part of a network of over 5,000 students, alumni, faculty, and professionals who share your passion and interest in physics.

Q: What are some tips and resources to help me prepare a successful application for the scholarship?

A: Here are some tips and resources to help you prepare a successful application for the scholarship:

  • Start your application early and give yourself enough time to complete and review all the components before the deadline.
  • Follow the instructions and guidelines carefully and make sure you meet all the eligibility and application criteria.
  • Be honest and authentic in your statements and letters, and showcase your personality, passion, and interest in physics.
  • Highlight your achievements and potential in physics and related fields, and provide evidence and examples to support your claims.
  • Explain your financial need and how the scholarship will help you overcome any challenges or barriers that you face in pursuing your physics education and career.
  • Ask for letters of recommendation from faculty members who know you well and who can speak positively and specifically about your qualifications and suitability for the scholarship.
  • Proofread and edit your application for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity, and ask someone else to review it for feedback and suggestions.
  • Submit your application online through the SPS website and make sure you receive a confirmation email that your application has been received.

Some resources that you can use to help you prepare your application are:

  • The SPS website [here], where you can find more information and details about the scholarship and other SPS programs and opportunities.
  • The SPS Scholarship Program FAQ [here], where you can find answers to common questions and issues related to the scholarship and the application process.
  • The SPS Scholarship Program email at, where you can contact the SPS staff for any questions or concerns that you have about the scholarship and the application process.
  • The SPS Scholarship Program phone at (301) 209-3007, where you can call the SPS staff for any questions or concerns that you have about the scholarship and the application process.
  • The SPS Scholarship Program mailing address at:

SPS Scholarship Program 1 Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740 where you can send your official transcript and any other documents that are required for the application.


The Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is a wonderful opportunity for women who are passionate about physics and who want to pursue a degree and a career in this field. The scholarship offers financial support, recognition, networking, mentoring, and access to SPS resources and opportunities.

If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, you should start your application as soon as possible and follow the steps and tips that we have outlined in this blog post. You should also visit the SPS website and contact the SPS staff for more information and guidance.

We hope that this blog post has been helpful and informative for you, and that you have learned everything you need to know about the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women. We wish you all the best in your physics studies and career, and we hope that you will apply for this scholarship and become the next recipient of this prestigious award.

Apply now for the Herbert Levy memorial scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women and make your physics dreams come true!

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