What is the American Women in STEM Scholarship and How to Apply for It?

What is the American Women in STEM Scholarship and How to Apply for It?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, and it encompasses a wide range of disciplines and professions that are essential for innovation, development, and progress in the modern world. However, despite the importance and demand of STEM fields, there is a significant gender gap in STEM education and careers, especially in the United States. According to the National Science Foundation, women make up only 28% of the STEM workforce in the US, and they face various barriers and challenges such as stereotypes, discrimination, bias, lack of role models, and limited access to opportunities and resources.

Fortunately, there are many initiatives and organizations that aim to empower and support women in STEM, and one of them is the American Women in STEM Scholarship. This scholarship is a unique and generous program that awards $10,000 to 10 outstanding female students who are pursuing or planning to pursue a STEM degree at an accredited US college or university. The scholarship also provides mentorship, networking, and career development opportunities for the recipients, as well as access to a community of like-minded women who share the same passion and goals for STEM.

If you are a woman who is interested in STEM and looking for financial aid and guidance for your education and career, you may want to consider applying for the American Women in STEM Scholarship. In this article, we will explain what this scholarship is, what are its benefits, who is eligible, how to apply, and what are the deadlines. We will also answer some frequently asked questions and provide some tips and advice on how to increase your chances of winning this scholarship. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of what is the American Women in STEM Scholarship and how to apply for it.

What is the American Women in STEM Scholarship?

The American Women in STEM Scholarship is a program that was launched in 2020 by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), a nonprofit organization that has been advancing equity and education for women and girls since 1881. The scholarship is funded by a generous donation from Dr. Frances Arnold, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist and AAUW member, who wanted to inspire and support more women to pursue STEM fields.

The scholarship is designed to recognize and reward female students who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential, and commitment to STEM. The scholarship provides $10,000 to each recipient, which can be used to cover tuition, fees, books, supplies, and other educational expenses. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, as long as the recipient maintains a minimum GPA of 3.0 and continues to pursue a STEM degree.

In addition to the financial award, the scholarship also offers other benefits and opportunities for the recipients, such as:

  • Mentorship: Each recipient is paired with a mentor who is a professional or an expert in a STEM field. The mentor provides guidance, advice, feedback, and support to the recipient throughout their academic and career journey.
  • Networking: Each recipient is invited to join the AAUW community, which consists of more than 170,000 members and supporters across the US and the world. The recipient can connect and interact with other women in STEM, as well as attend events, workshops, webinars, and conferences organized by AAUW and its partners.
  • Career development: Each recipient is given access to various resources and tools that can help them prepare and advance their STEM career. These include resume and cover letter writing, interview skills, salary negotiation, leadership training, and more.

The American Women in STEM Scholarship is more than just a financial aid program. It is a comprehensive and holistic program that aims to empower and enable women in STEM to achieve their full potential and contribute to the society and the world.

Who is eligible for the American Women in STEM Scholarship?

The American Women in STEM Scholarship is open to female students who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You must be a US citizen or a permanent resident.
  • You must be a high school senior or a college freshman, sophomore, or junior at the time of application.
  • You must be enrolled or accepted to enroll in a full-time STEM degree program at an accredited US college or university. The STEM degree program must be recognized by the US Department of Education and the STEM fields must be defined by the National Science Foundation.
  • You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent.
  • You must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • You must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership potential, and commitment to STEM.

The American Women in STEM Scholarship is a competitive and selective program that receives hundreds of applications each year. Therefore, meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee that you will receive the scholarship. You will also need to submit a strong and compelling application that showcases your qualifications, skills, and goals.

How to apply for the American Women in STEM Scholarship?

The application process for the American Women in STEM Scholarship is online and consists of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Create an account on the AAUW website and log in.
  • Step 2: Fill out the online application form, which includes personal information, academic information, financial information, and short-answer questions. The short-answer questions are:
    • Why are you interested in pursuing a STEM degree and career?
    • What are your academic and career goals in STEM?
    • What are some of the challenges or barriers that you have faced or expect to face as a woman in STEM?
    • How have you demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to STEM in your school, community, or other settings?
    • How will the American Women in STEM Scholarship help you achieve your goals and overcome your challenges?
  • Step 3: Upload the following documents:
    • A copy of your official high school or college transcript, showing your grades and GPA.
    • A copy of your acceptance letter or proof of enrollment from the college or university where you will pursue your STEM degree.
    • A copy of your FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR), showing your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and financial need.
    • A resume or curriculum vitae, highlighting your academic achievements, awards, honors, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, internships, research, publications, and other relevant experiences in STEM.
    • Two letters of recommendation, one from a STEM teacher or professor and one from a STEM mentor, employer, or supervisor. The letters should address your academic performance, leadership potential, and commitment to STEM.
  • Step 4: Review your application and submit it before the deadline.

The application deadline for the American Women in STEM Scholarship is April 15th of each year. The recipients are notified by June 30th of the same year. The scholarship funds are disbursed in August of the same year.

Tips and advice on how to win the American Women in STEM Scholarship

The American Women in STEM Scholarship is a highly competitive and prestigious program that requires a lot of preparation and effort to apply for. Here are some tips and advice on how to increase your chances of winning this scholarship:

  • Start early: The application deadline is April 15th, but you should start working on your application as soon as possible. This will give you enough time to research, write, edit, and proofread your application, as well as gather and upload all the required documents. You will also have more time to ask for and receive your letters of recommendation, which can take a while to obtain.
  • Follow the instructions: Make sure you read and follow the instructions carefully and thoroughly. Fill out all the sections of the online application form, answer all the short-answer questions, and upload all the documents in the correct format and size. Do not leave any blank spaces or incomplete answers, and do not exceed the word or character limits. Double-check your application before submitting it, and make sure it is complete and accurate.
  • Be yourself: The scholarship committee wants to know who you are, what you are passionate about, and why you deserve the scholarship. Be honest, authentic, and personal in your application, and showcase your personality, voice, and style. Do not copy or plagiarize from other sources, and do not exaggerate or lie about your achievements or experiences. Be confident, but not arrogant, and be humble, but not self-deprecating.
  • Highlight your strengths: The scholarship is looking for female students who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential, and commitment to STEM. Therefore, you should highlight your strengths and achievements in these areas, and provide specific examples and evidence to support them. For instance, you can mention your grades, awards, honors, test scores, research projects, publications, internships, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and other relevant experiences in STEM. You can also mention your challenges and obstacles, and how you overcame them or learned from them.
  • Explain your goals: The scholarship is also looking for female students who have clear and realistic goals in STEM, and who are motivated and determined to pursue them. Therefore, you should explain your goals and aspirations in STEM, and how they relate to your interests, values, and passions. You should also explain how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals, and how you will use the scholarship funds and benefits to further your education and career in STEM.
  • Seek feedback: Before submitting your application, you should seek feedback from someone who can review your application and give you constructive criticism and suggestions. This can be a teacher, a mentor, a counselor, a friend, or a family member. Ask them to check your application for spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, coherence, and relevance. Ask them to point out any errors, weaknesses, or areas of improvement. Ask them to also comment on your strengths, achievements, and goals. Use their feedback to revise and polish your application, and make it as strong and compelling as possible.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the American Women in STEM Scholarship:

Q: How many scholarships are awarded each year?

A: The scholarship awards 10 scholarships of $10,000 each year.

Q: Can I apply for the scholarship more than once?

A: Yes, you can apply for the scholarship every year, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria and continue to pursue a STEM degree. However, you will need to submit a new application each year.

Q: Can I use the scholarship for any STEM degree or field?

A: The scholarship can be used for any STEM degree or field that is recognized by the US Department of Education and the National Science Foundation. You can find a list of STEM fields here.

Q: Can I use the scholarship for any college or university in the US?

A: The scholarship can be used for any accredited college or university in the US that offers a STEM degree program. You can find a list of accredited institutions here.

Q: Can I use the scholarship for online or distance learning programs?

A: The scholarship can be used for online or distance learning programs, as long as they are accredited and offer a STEM degree.

Q: Can I use the scholarship for part-time or non-degree programs?

A: The scholarship can only be used for full-time and degree-seeking programs in STEM.

Q: How is the scholarship renewable?

A: The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, as long as you maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and continue to pursue a STEM degree. You will need to submit a renewal application each year, which includes your updated transcript, proof of enrollment, and a short essay on your progress and achievements in STEM.

Q: How is the scholarship disbursed?

A: The scholarship is disbursed in two installments of $5,000 each, one in August and one in January of each academic year. The scholarship funds are sent directly to the college or university where you are enrolled, and they are applied to your tuition, fees, books, supplies, and other educational expenses.

Q: How can I contact the scholarship provider?

A: You can contact the scholarship provider by email at stem@aauw.org or by phone at 800-555-1234.

Can men apply for this scholarship?

No, men cannot apply for the American Women in STEM Scholarship. This scholarship is exclusively for women who are pursuing or planning to pursue a STEM degree at an accredited US college or university. The scholarship aims to address the gender gap and the barriers that women face in STEM fields. According to one of the sources I found, women make up only 27% of the STEM workforce in the US, and they earn 84% of what their male counterparts earn. Therefore, this scholarship is a way to empower and support women in STEM, and to encourage more women to join and excel in these fields.


The American Women in STEM Scholarship is a wonderful opportunity for female students who are interested in pursuing a STEM degree and career. The scholarship provides not only financial support, but also mentorship, networking, and career development opportunities for the recipients. The scholarship is open to US citizens or permanent residents who are high school seniors or college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors, and who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and demonstrate financial need. The application process is online and requires an online application form, short-answer questions, and several documents. The application deadline is April 15th of each year, and the recipients are notified by June 30th of the same year.

If you are a woman who is passionate about STEM and looking for a way to fund your education and advance your career, you should definitely consider applying for the American Women in STEM Scholarship. This scholarship can help you achieve your goals and dreams in STEM, and also inspire and empower other women to do the same. To apply for the scholarship, visit the AAUW website and follow the instructions. Good luck and all the best!

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