How to Apply for the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship - STEM Scholarship for Women

How to Apply for the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women

Are you a woman who is passionate about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)? Do you want to pursue a degree in a STEM-related field and make a positive impact on the world? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be interested in applying for the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women.

This scholarship is a tribute to Rodney James Pimentel, a computer science student, lecturer, and mentor who inspired many people with his enthusiasm for learning and sharing knowledge. He was a spirited and steadfast member of the UC-Berkeley community, always encouraging those around him to get involved. He passed away in 2023, leaving behind a legacy of kindness, generosity, and excellence.

The Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women aims to honor his life and support low-income students from California who are pursuing an education in STEM. The scholarship awards $5,000 to one (1) undergraduate student who meets the eligibility criteria and submits a compelling application. The scholarship can be used to cover tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses.

If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, you might have some questions about the application process, the requirements, the benefits, and the deadline. In this blog post, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women and provide you with some tips and resources to help you prepare a successful application. Let’s get started!

What is the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship and what are its objectives?

The Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is a scholarship program that was established in 2023 by, a platform that connects students with exclusive scholarships and donors. The scholarship is named after Rodney James Pimentel, a computer science student, lecturer, and mentor who passed away in 2023. He was passionate about education and STEM, and he taught classes on topics ranging from sleep psychology to iOS development. He was also a beloved friend and brother who touched many lives with his kindness and generosity.

The objective of the scholarship is to honor Rodney’s memory and legacy by supporting low-income students from California who are pursuing an education in STEM. The scholarship aims to encourage more women to enter STEM fields and to provide them with financial assistance and recognition. The scholarship also hopes to inspire the recipients to follow Rodney’s example and to share their knowledge and skills with others.

Who is eligible to apply for the scholarship and what are the requirements?

The Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is open to high school and undergraduate students in California who are:

  • Women or identify as women
  • Majoring or intending to major in a STEM-related field
  • Coming from a low-income household or disadvantaged community

The scholarship does not have a minimum GPA requirement, but applicants should demonstrate academic achievement and potential in their chosen field of study. Applicants should also show leadership, involvement, and passion for STEM and education.

To apply for the scholarship, applicants must submit two essays answering the following prompts:

  • One of the greatest values of education is the human connection formed along the way. None of us would be where we are now without the support of the people in our lives. Whether it’s a close family member, an educator, or an irreplaceable friend, we can all name someone who has had a hand in shaping us into the individuals that we are today. RJ was one of these people for us. Imagine a situation where a close friend or a loved one comes to you for guidance on a major life decision. Describe how you would respond and handle the situation. This can be an anecdote from a real life experience or a hypothetical scenario. (500 words max)
  • Describe a challenge you’ve faced in your pursuit of STEM. How would you recommend that future students navigate this challenge? (500 words max)

The essays should be original, well-written, and persuasive. They should showcase the applicant’s personality, voice, and perspective. They should also demonstrate the applicant’s understanding of the scholarship’s objectives and values.

How much is the scholarship worth and what are the benefits?

The Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women awards $5,000 to one (1) recipient each year. The scholarship can be used to pay for tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses at any accredited college or university in the United States. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years, as long as the recipient maintains a good academic standing and continues to pursue a STEM-related degree.

The scholarship also offers other benefits, such as:

  • Recognition and exposure on the website and social media platforms
  • Networking and mentoring opportunities with other scholarship recipients and donors
  • Access to exclusive scholarships and resources on the platform
  • A chance to honor Rodney’s legacy and to inspire others with your story

Available Courses

The Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is open to students who are majoring or intending to major in any STEM-related field. Some examples of STEM fields are:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Statistics
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental Science
  • Astronomy
  • Geology
  • Neuroscience
  • Robotics
  • Nanotechnology
  • And more!

When is the deadline to apply for the scholarship and how to Apply?

The deadline to apply for the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is April 30, 2024. The application is online and can be accessed through the website. To apply, applicants must:

  • Create a free account on
  • Fill out the online application form with their personal and academic information
  • Upload their transcripts and proof of enrollment or acceptance
  • Write and submit their essays answering the two prompts
  • Agree to the terms and conditions of the scholarship

The application should be completed and submitted by 11:59 PM PST on April 30, 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. The winner will be announced on May 31, 2024, and will be notified by email.

Where can the applicants find more information and contact details?

For more information about the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women, applicants can visit the scholarship page on the website. There, they can find the scholarship description, eligibility criteria, application instructions, FAQs, and testimonials from previous winners. They can also read more about Rodney’s life and achievements, and learn about the mission and vision of

If applicants have any questions or concerns about the scholarship or the application process, they can contact the team by email at [email\u00A0protected] or by phone at (415) 230-0414. They can also follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for updates and announcements.


The Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women is a wonderful opportunity for low-income students from California who are pursuing an education in STEM. The scholarship honors the memory and legacy of Rodney James Pimentel, a computer science student, lecturer, and mentor who inspired many people with his enthusiasm for learning and sharing knowledge. The scholarship awards $5,000 to one (1) recipient each year and provides them with recognition, support, and resources. The scholarship also encourages more women to enter STEM fields and to make a positive impact on the world.

If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, you should start preparing your application as soon as possible. You should write your essays with care and creativity, and showcase your personality, voice, and perspective. You should also proofread your essays and check your application for errors and completeness. You should submit your application by April 30, 2024, and wait for the results. We hope this post has answered some of your questions about the Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship – STEM Scholarship for Women and has motivated you to apply. This is a great chance to pursue your dreams and to honor Rodney’s legacy. Good luck and we wish you all the best!

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