15 STEM Women’s Undergraduate Scholarships in the US for 2024

15 STEM Women’s Undergraduate Scholarships in the US for 2024

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These fields are vital for the advancement of society and the economy, but they are also traditionally dominated by men. According to the National Science Foundation, women make up only 28% of the STEM workforce in the US.

However, this is changing as more and more women are pursuing STEM degrees and careers. In fact, women earned 57% of all bachelor’s degrees and 50% of all STEM bachelor’s degrees in the US in 2018. This is a remarkable improvement from the past, but there is still room for more growth and diversity in STEM.

One of the challenges that women face in STEM is the cost of education. STEM degrees can be expensive, especially if you are an international student or a low-income student. Fortunately, there are many scholarships available for women in STEM that can help you pay for your tuition, fees, books, and living expenses.

In this article, we will introduce you to 15 STEM women’s undergraduate scholarships in the US for 2024. These scholarships are open to women who are pursuing or planning to pursue a STEM degree at an accredited US institution. Some of these scholarships are also open to women from underrepresented groups, such as minorities, LGBTQ+, and immigrants.

We will provide you with the details of each scholarship, such as the amount, the deadline, the eligibility criteria, the application process, and the contact information. We will also give you some tips and advice on how to apply for these scholarships and increase your chances of winning them.

If you are a woman in STEM, you don’t want to miss this opportunity. Read on to learn more about these 15 STEM women’s undergraduate scholarships in the US for 2024 and how to apply for them.

1. The Science Ambassador Scholarship

  • Amount: Full tuition
  • Deadline: December 13th, 2023
  • Eligibility: Female high school senior or college undergraduate who is pursuing or planning to pursue a STEM degree at a US institution.
  • Application process: Submit a three-minute video of yourself explaining a STEM topic that you are passionate about. The video should be posted on YouTube and set as public. The topic should be scientifically accurate and well-sourced. The judges will evaluate the video based on the content, not the production quality.
  • Contact information: scienceambassadorscholarship.org

The Science Ambassador Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship for women in STEM funded by the party game Cards Against Humanity. This is one of the most generous scholarships for women in STEM you’ll find—it will pay the winner’s undergraduate tuition expenses for up to four years. The only requirement is to record a three-minute video structured like a mini-lecture on any STEM topic and post it on YouTube. Make sure that the material is scientifically correct and that you source your information. The judges are looking for substance over style, so don’t worry about production quality.

2. Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Program

  • Amount: Varies, up to $15,000
  • Deadline: Incoming freshman: March 1st-May 1st, 2024; Sophomore through graduate: December 1st-February 15th, 2024
  • Eligibility: Identify as a female; enrolled or planning to enroll in an ABET-accredited program in engineering, technology, or computing in the upcoming academic year; studying full-time (although exceptions are made for non-traditional candidates); meet GPA requirements (varies by scholarship)
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, FAFSA, and two recommendations. Some scholarships may require additional materials or criteria.
  • Contact information: scholarships@swe.org

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) has been a driving force for women in engineering since before World War II. The organization provides scholarships for those who identify as females studying at the undergraduate and graduate levels. SWE disperses over 290 new and renewed scholarships for engineering fields in general or specific areas such as computer science. These scholarships provide more than $1 million in financial assistance for female students every year.

3. PixelPlex Bi-Annual STEM Scholarship

  • Amount: $2,000
  • Deadline: June 5th and December 5th (bi-annually)
  • Eligibility: US citizen; enrolled or accepted to study full-time in a STEM degree program at a US institution; interested in one of the following topics: blockchain, metaverses, internet of things, or augmented reality/virtual reality
  • Application process: Submit a minimum 1,200-word essay on one of the four topics mentioned above. The essay should demonstrate your knowledge, creativity, and originality. The essay should also include a short personal biography and a statement of your academic and career goals.
  • Contact information: scholarship@pixelplex.io

PixelPlex is a consulting and custom software development firm that provides a bi-annual scholarship to students interested in STEM, economics, and business. The scholarship is open to students who are passionate about one of the four topics: blockchain, metaverses, internet of things, or augmented reality/virtual reality. The scholarship aims to support the next generation of innovators and leaders in these fields.

4. Women in STEM Scholarship – Pathways To Science

  • Amount: $3,000
  • Deadline: April 15th, 2024
  • Eligibility: Female undergraduate student; pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field at a US institution; have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, personal statement, and two letters of recommendation. The personal statement should describe your academic and career goals, your interest in STEM, and how the scholarship will help you achieve your objectives.
  • Contact information: info@pathwaystoscience.org

The Women in STEM Scholarship is offered by Pathways To Science, a project of the Institute for Broadening Participation. The project aims to increase the diversity and inclusion of underrepresented groups in STEM fields. The scholarship is available to female students who are pursuing a STEM degree at any level, from associate to doctoral. The scholarship can be used for tuition, fees, books, or other educational expenses.

5. MPOWER Financing Women in STEM Scholarship

  • Amount: $3,000 (grand prize), $1,000 (honorable mention)
  • Deadline: July 20th, 2024
  • Eligibility: Female international or DACA student; enrolled or accepted to study full-time in a STEM degree program at one of the 350+ schools that MPOWER supports in the US or Canada; have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, and one short essay. The essay should answer the question: “What specific challenges have you faced as a woman in STEM and what did you learn from them?”
  • Contact information: scholarship@mpowerfinancing.com

MPOWER Financing is a social enterprise that provides loans and scholarships to international and DACA students who want to study in the US or Canada. The Women in STEM Scholarship is one of their initiatives to support female students who are pursuing a STEM degree. The scholarship is open to students from any country and any field of STEM. The scholarship aims to recognize the achievements and potential of women in STEM and to empower them to overcome the barriers they face.

6. Palantir Women in Technology Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline: March 31st, 2024
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman; enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate or graduate program in a STEM-related field in the US or Canada; have a strong academic record and demonstrated interest in technology
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, and two short essays. The essays should answer the questions: “What are you studying and why did you choose this field?” and “What is a problem you are passionate about solving with technology?”
  • Contact information: [scholarship@palantir.com]

Palantir is a software company that builds platforms for data analysis and decision making. The company offers a scholarship for women in technology who are pursuing a STEM degree in the US or Canada. The scholarship is part of Palantir’s commitment to increasing the diversity and inclusion of women in the tech industry. The scholarship also includes an invitation to a virtual workshop with Palantir engineers and mentors.

7. Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline: October 31st, 2023
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate student in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field at a university in the US, Canada, or India; have a strong academic record and demonstrated interest in research
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, three references, and four short answers. The short answers should describe your academic background, your research interests, your career goals, and your involvement in the tech community.
  • Contact information: [adobe.research.scholarship@adobe.com]

Adobe Research is the research arm of Adobe, the software company behind products such as Photoshop, Acrobat, and Premiere. The company offers a scholarship for women in technology who are pursuing a computer science or related degree in the US, Canada, or India. The scholarship is part of Adobe’s mission to foster a culture of innovation and diversity in the tech industry. The scholarship also includes a one-year Creative Cloud subscription, an opportunity to interview for an internship at Adobe, and access to Adobe Research mentors and events.

8. The BHW Group Women in STEM Scholarship

  • Amount: $3,000
  • Deadline: April 15th, 2024
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate student in a STEM-related field at a US institution; have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, and a 500-800 word essay. The essay should answer the question: “What is your favorite mobile app and what have you learned from it?”
  • Contact information: [scholarship@thebhwgroup.com]

The BHW Group is a custom web and mobile app development company that provides a scholarship for women in STEM who are studying in the US. The scholarship is open to students from any field of STEM who have a passion for technology and innovation. The scholarship aims to encourage and support women in STEM and to inspire them to create their own apps.

9. Women Techmakers Scholars Program

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline: December 5th, 2023
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field at a university in the US or Canada; have a strong academic record and demonstrated leadership and impact on the tech community
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, three references, and five short essays. The essays should describe your academic and professional background, your career goals, your involvement in the tech community, your diversity and inclusion efforts, and a challenge you faced and how you overcame it.
  • Contact information: [wtm-scholars@google.com]

The Women Techmakers Scholars Program is a global initiative by Google to support and empower women in technology. The program offers scholarships for women in computer science and related fields who are studying in the US, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, or Asia Pacific. The program also provides access to a network of mentors, peers, and Google professionals, as well as opportunities to attend Google events and workshops.

10. Generation Google Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline: December 4th, 2023
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field at a university in the US or Canada; have a strong academic record and demonstrated leadership and passion for computer science and technology
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, one reference, and four short essays. The essays should describe your academic and professional background, your career goals, your involvement in the tech community, and a time you faced a significant challenge and how you handled it.
  • Contact information: [generationgoogle@google.com]

The Generation Google Scholarship is a scholarship program by Google to support and inspire students from underrepresented groups in computer science and technology. The program offers scholarships for students who identify as women, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander who are pursuing a computer science or related degree in the US or Canada. The program also provides access to a network of mentors, peers, and Google professionals, as well as opportunities to attend Google events and workshops.

11. NCWIT Collegiate Award

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Deadline: October 15th, 2023
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman or non-binary; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate student in computing or engineering at a US institution; have completed or are currently enrolled in a project or research in computing or engineering that has a positive impact
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, one reference, and a project description. The project description should include the title, abstract, motivation, methodology, results, and impact of your project or research. You should also provide a link to a video or website that showcases your project or research.
  • Contact information: [collegiate@ncwit.org]

The NCWIT Collegiate Award is an award program by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of women and non-binary students in computing and engineering. The program awards students who have completed or are currently working on a project or research that has a positive impact on society, industry, or the community. The program also provides access to a network of mentors, peers, and industry leaders, as well as opportunities to attend NCWIT events and workshops.

12. Microsoft Research Women’s Fellowship

  • Amount: $20,000
  • Deadline: September 24th, 2023
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman; enrolled or accepted as a full-time PhD student in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, or a related field at a US or Canadian university; have completed no more than two years of PhD study by the start of the 2024-2025 academic year; have a strong academic record and demonstrated research potential
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, research statement, and three letters of recommendation. The research statement should describe your research interests, goals, and accomplishments, as well as how the fellowship will support your career aspirations.
  • Contact information: [msfellow@microsoft.com]

The Microsoft Research Women’s Fellowship is a fellowship program by Microsoft Research to support and empower women PhD students in computer science and related fields. The program offers fellowships for students who are enrolled or accepted in a PhD program in the US or Canada. The program also provides access to a network of mentors, peers, and Microsoft researchers, as well as opportunities to attend Microsoft events and workshops.

13. Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000 (renewable for up to three years)
  • Deadline: April 1st, 2024
  • Eligibility: US citizen; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate student in a STEM-related field at a US institution; have a minimum GPA of 2.5; demonstrate financial need; demonstrate leadership and participation in extracurricular activities
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, FAFSA, and one letter of recommendation. You may also be asked to provide additional information or documents to verify your eligibility.
  • Contact information: [lockheedmartin@scholarshipamerica.org]

The Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship is a scholarship program by Lockheed Martin, a global aerospace and defense company, to support and inspire students who are pursuing a STEM degree in the US. The program offers scholarships for students who are enrolled or accepted in a STEM-related program at any level, from associate to doctoral. The program also provides access to mentoring and career development opportunities at Lockheed Martin.

14. Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000 (renewable for up to three years)
  • Deadline: January 17th, 2024
  • Eligibility: US citizen or permanent resident; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate student in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, or a related field at a US institution; have a minimum GPA of 3.0; demonstrate financial need; demonstrate leadership and community involvement
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, FAFSA, and two letters of recommendation. You may also be asked to provide additional information or documents to verify your eligibility.
  • Contact information: [amazonfutureengineer@amazon.com]

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is a scholarship program by Amazon, the e-commerce and technology giant, to support and inspire students who are pursuing a computer science or related degree in the US. The program offers scholarships for students who are enrolled or accepted in a computer science or related program at any level, from high school to doctoral. The program also provides access to mentoring and internship opportunities at Amazon.

15. Women in Aviation International Scholarships

  • Amount: Varies, up to $35,000
  • Deadline: November 10th, 2023
  • Eligibility: Identify as a woman; enrolled or accepted as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a STEM-related field related to aviation or aerospace at a US institution; have a minimum GPA of 3.0; be a member of Women in Aviation International (WAI)
  • Application process: Submit an online application, transcript, resume, essay, and two letters of recommendation. The essay should describe your aviation or aerospace career goals, your achievements and challenges, and how the scholarship will help you reach your objectives.
  • Contact information: [scholarships@wai.org]

Women in Aviation International (WAI) is a nonprofit organization that promotes the advancement and representation of women in the aviation and aerospace industry. The organization offers scholarships for women who are pursuing a STEM degree related to aviation or aerospace, such as engineering, physics, meteorology, or aviation management. The scholarships are sponsored by various companies and organizations in the industry, such as Boeing, Delta, FedEx, and NASA. The scholarships can be used for tuition, fees, books, flight training, or other educational expenses.

Tips and Advice on How to Apply for These Scholarships

Now that you have learned about these 15 STEM women’s undergraduate scholarships in the US for 2024, you might be wondering how to apply for them and increase your chances of winning them. Here are some tips and advice that can help you with your scholarship applications:

  • Start early. Don’t wait until the last minute to apply for these scholarships. Give yourself enough time to research the scholarships, gather the required materials, write the essays, and proofread your application. Starting early will also help you avoid missing the deadlines and submitting incomplete or inaccurate applications.
  • Follow the instructions. Read the eligibility criteria and the application process carefully and make sure you meet all the requirements and follow all the instructions. Don’t submit anything that is not requested or relevant. Don’t exceed the word limit or the page limit. Don’t use a different format or font than specified. Don’t send your application to the wrong email address or website. Pay attention to the details and avoid making mistakes that could disqualify you or reduce your chances of winning.
  • Be yourself. Don’t try to impress the judges with exaggerated or false claims. Be honest and authentic in your application. Show your personality, your passion, and your potential. Highlight your strengths, achievements, and goals, but also acknowledge your weaknesses, challenges, and areas of improvement. Don’t be afraid to share your personal story and how it shaped your interest in STEM. Don’t copy or plagiarize from other sources. Write in your own voice and style.
  • Be specific. Don’t be vague or general in your application. Provide concrete examples and evidence to support your statements. Use numbers, facts, figures, and statistics to quantify your impact and achievements. Use anecdotes, stories, and quotes to illustrate your points and show your personality. Use action verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to describe your skills, activities, and accomplishments. Use transition words, phrases, and sentences to connect your ideas and create a logical flow.
  • Be original. Don’t be boring or cliché in your application. Stand out from the crowd with your unique perspective, voice, and style. Show your creativity, innovation, and originality in your essays and projects. Use humor, emotion, and imagery to engage the reader and make your application memorable. Avoid using common phrases, clichés, or jargon that could make your application sound generic or dull.
  • Be professional. Don’t be casual or informal in your application. Treat your application as a formal document that represents you and your qualifications. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Use a clear, concise, and coherent language. Use a polite, respectful, and positive tone. Avoid using slang, abbreviations, or emojis. Proofread your application multiple times and ask someone else to review it for feedback and errors.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about STEM women’s undergraduate scholarships in the US for 2024:


In conclusion, there are many scholarships available for women in STEM who want to pursue a degree in the US. These scholarships can help you fund your education and achieve your goals. However, applying for these scholarships can be challenging and competitive. Therefore, you should start early, follow the instructions, be yourself, be specific, be original, be professional, and seek help and feedback. By doing so, you can increase your chances of winning these scholarships and becoming a successful woman in STEM.

We hope that this article has provided you with useful and informative content that explains 15 STEM women’s undergraduate scholarships in the US for 2024 and provides solutions or advice to help you apply for them. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We wish you all the best in your scholarship applications and your STEM journey.

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